Everyone wants to get in on the Jack O Lantern act and now you can with my list of easy pumpkin carvings for beginners!
Some of these can be done in under 30 minutes making them suitable for those parents in a rush (let’s face it that’s all of us). Best of all these will look super cute sitting at your front door or in your windowsill!
Simple Pumpkin Carving Ideas
Here at Easy Crafts for Kids we absolutely love Halloween crafts especially anything to do with pumpkins. Every year I always spend lots of time with my children painting pumpkins as it is much safer than them using sharp carving tools.
However this year despite me saying we are not doing any Jack O Lanterns my husband convinced me otherwise and obviously I duly obliged leaving him to help the kids!
We made 4 different Jack O Lanterns which were super duper easy and surprisingly quick. We made a pumpkin cat, owl pumpkin, ghost pumpkin and one featuring moon and stars!
Cool and Easy Pumpkin Carvings for Kids
Find some of my simple pumpkin carving ideas below. I love all of these but my favorite has to be the moon and stars pumpkin.
Cat Pumpkin Pattern
My easy pumpkin carving cat was a massive hit last year. The only thing I did not like was the fact there was not much light from it as the holes were rather small. The biggest holes were the eyes and nose, while the whiskers and mouth were small. It was a very cute design though.
In future I would paint this black too, to make it look like the witches’ cat.
Easy Pumpkin Carving Owl
Wow how cute was my owl; my daughter’s favorite animal! Of course owl crafts are hugely popular during Fall so it seemed like a natural choice.
Cute Ghost Pumpkin Design
Hands up who wants to make a spooky ghost?! My Casper pumpkin design is lovable to say the least and very easy to recreate.
Moon and Stars Pumpkin
An unique pumpkin carving pattern in the fact that it is not a scary face or an animal but rather some moon and stars!! It would double up as a cute nightlight, except for the fact that the pumpkin will be rotting in 2 weeks!
Don’t fancy these then why not try some of my non carving pumpkin ideas
If you want a quick pumpkin design and love Disney then try my Snow White pumpkin
Which of these do you think is the Easiest Pumpkin Carving Idea?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!