This Paper Bag Princess craft for kids is tons of fun to make and hours of fun to play with.
Have the kids create a play, write the plot, then spend hours making the puppets for their home-made play out of brown paper lunch bags.
Few hours with scissors and glue and we can have little Shakespeare’s on our hands!
You can make many things like:
- Prince Charming
- The Evil Queen
- Horse
- Ogre
- Elves
- Dwarfs
- Monsters
- Fairy
We previously have made animal puppets with paper bags and a paper bag pumpkin for Halloween trick or treat!
Write a play or story, then create all the characters you will need out of paper bags.
Before we get crafting, create a blueprint for the puppet you wish to make.
For our example, we have decided to make a princess to act out a fairy tale story with Prince Charming. I have also made popsicle stick puppets featuring a Princess and a Frog if you have little girls who want to tell a story with their crafts!
How To Make Paper Bag Puppets – Princess Craft
Our story has a beautiful princess as a main character. Here’s how you can make her:
Craft Supplies:
- Brown Paper Lunch Bags
- String (if character needs hair)
- Googly Eyes
- Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
Step #1:
In the fold of the bag crate your puppets mouth. You can do this by coloring the inside red, or maybe add some lips with construction paper.
Step #2:
On the top glue on some string as hair and any hat they may be wearing. For ours we have added hair and a gold crown.
Step #3:
Decorate your face as desired. use goggly eyes to give your puppet some more character.
Also, add arms to the sides if your character has arms.
Step #4:
Color and decorate the body with markers. For ours we have created a dress.
Let the play writing begin, our princess is ready for the spotlight.
Make sure she is really seen in the spotlight with sparkles and glitter glue!
She is the main star of the play. Now move on and make yourself some other characters like this paper bag craft to join in your fairy tale story!
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Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!