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How to Make a Flower Crown

Summer is out and one of the things I have recently learnt was how to make a flower crown with real flowers, and guess what I am going to share my tutorial with you!!

how to make a flower crown

Little girls love dressing up all year long whether it be in pretty dresses, masks or crowns! My simple flower crown is a huge hit with all ages whether they be 3 years old or 33 years old!!

Everyone loves to make their own! When you do so you can choose the flowers you want to use!! Maybe you have a particular color scheme in mind or maybe it’s to match a pretty dress! 

Love flowers, then why not make some more of my easy flower crafts after you have finished this one!!

DIY Flower Crown Craft Process

real flower crown instructions

Supplies – What you need to make a flower crown

  1. Flowers if your choice. (Tube rose and roses).
  2. Jewellery wires (16-12 gauge).
  3. Flower Tape.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Pliers.
  6. Hot glue gun (optional).  

Step by Step Flower Crown Craft Instructions

Step 1: 

Gather all the supplies you need. Pick some fresh flowers to make your crown. I have opted for Roses because they are my favorite!!

what do you need to make a flower crown

If you like all things roses I do plan on adding a list of this particular type of flower craft on an individual post!

Step 2:

Measure the size of your head and use wire to make a round base.

You can use any round shape objects such as ball, round dish etc to get a perfect round shape.

Step 3:

Overlap and wrap the ends of the wire to secure the round shape.

flower crown with wire

Step 4:

Cut the tube rose into small pieces. Hold one tuberose piece with the wire base and wrap the stem using flower tape.

how to make a simple flower crown with roses

Step 5:

Similarly, add another tuberose petal over the previous petals stem and wrap it with flower tape. Make sure the wrap is tight, use hot glue if necessary.

Step 6:

Add the third flower using the same technique. 

diy flower crown craft for kids

Step 7:

Cover the entire wire base with tube roses and your flower crown should look as below.

rose flower crown for kids

Step 8:

Take a rose, cut the stems short. Place the rose stem in between gaps, and wrap the stem using flower tape.

flower crown tutorial fresh

Step 9: (Final Images):

Add a few more roses to finish decorating your flower crown.  

Where will you wear yours? This is a great Summer party activity for girls of all ages!! Why not make these during a Birthday party too! 

Maybe you might want to make a paper flower crown that will not wilt? How about learning how to do my easy rose drawing? You could easily have a pretty red rose crown to wear when you know to draw your own!

Will you make this Simple Flower Crown with Real Flowers?

how to make a flower crown with real flowers

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