These pool noodle monster crafts are perfect for the Summer, or even at the end of August whenever pool time is over! I also recommend them for Halloween time. I tell my daughter it is time to make rainbow monsters!
Normally by the end of July we have gathered up stacks of pool noodles. These are perfect for stacks of different crafts! Today I am going to show you how to make some monsters with them!
You only need a small number of craft materials, which you probably have a supply of already. I am talking about pipe cleaners, pom poms and googly eyes!
I used some of these for my Fall leaf monsters, so if you want a monster theme week, you can make those as well.
Whenever Summer ends you can turn your old pool noodles into some a monster pool noodle in time for Halloween! I hope my step by step craft procedure helps you make yours!
There is no set guidance though as you can do whatever you like with these!
You might also want to see my list of best Monster crafts for kids
How to make monsters from pool noodles
You can see all the materials and supplies you need in the picture
Different colors of pool noodles, pipe cleaners and pom poms
Googly eyes in various sizes
Glue gun
Step 1 – Use a knife to cut some pool noodles into smaller pieces. The size is entirely up to you. Why not make different sized pieces to make your monsters all unique!
Step 2 – Use a glue gun to add some googly eyes onto your pool noodles. Here again the number and size of these depends on you. You can see from my picture below that I went for a range of sizes and added these in random positions. We are making monsters after all so anything goes.
Step 3 – Add some pipe cleaners to your monsters! Bend them, make them into shapes, cut them shorter or leave them long, you decide. See my completed craft. Older kids will have so much fun with this step! Stick them on the monster’s faces, turn them into feet and arms or hair.
Step 4 – Finally add some pom poms using the glue gun. Put them anywhere you like. My 3 year old always like to use these for noses but you can make them as buttons for monster clothes.
What will you do with your pretty colorful monsters? How about using them for pretend play. You could do a puppet show. My 4 year old son says he will use them in an army battle to see who wins.
Some more great Monster craft ideas include my fabulous pom pom monster or my adorable Monster bookmark for those that love to craft and read!
Can you think of other pool noodle crafts you might like to make? Would it be possible to make Halloween decorations with pool noodles? Maybe you could use them to make a spider. The noodles could be the spider legs.
Do you like this Pool Noodle Monster Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!