Kids Spring Magnet Crafts
With our spring magnet crafts you can bring all the spring weather to the kitchen fridge.
Spring is a season with a variety of weather – from sun to rain, and even snow! The saying “April showers brings May flowers” is just a way to say April is a rainy month (usually).
We are lucky enough to even have a snow storm in mid-April!
The spring season is a great time to teach and learn about the weather, because there is such a variety.
Here’s a bunch of magnets that reflect the different weather spring can bring – and what can happen in each kind of weather.
These magnet crafts can be used on the kitchen fridge, classroom chalkboard or any other magnetic surface.
Have fun each morning by putting up the magnets that reflect the weather.
We made a set for rainy days and sunny days. We skipped on the snowy days, hoping those are VERY few!
You can make a series of weather magnets with very few materials. These are so educational and great for introducing the weather to pre school kids.
How to Make a Spring Magnet
Craft Supplies:
- Pipe cleaners
- White craft foam
- Scissors
- Glue
- Magnets
- Pom Poms
Approximate Time:
5-10 minutes per magnet
Recommended Age Group:
4 years and up
Rainy Spring Days Magnet Craft -Pipe Cleaner Cloud
These spring kids crafts will help you make magnets for the rainy days. Of course there are lots of clouds when it rains.
We also need an umbrella when this weather hits, so we’ve made on of those too.
This cloud magnet is pretty simple to make

pipe cleaner cloud
- Cut a cloud shape out of white craft foam.
- Glue a magnet on one side of the cloud.
- Bend a blue pipe cleaner to the shape of your cloud.
- Glue the pipe cleaner around the edges of the craft foam.
- Allow everything to dry.
When it rains we also need an umbrella, like these Umbrella Pipe Cleaner crafts instructions:

pipe cleaner umbrella
- Shape one pipe cleaner into a half moon shape. On the flat end, crimp it to make the bottom of your umbrella.
- Twist another color pipe cleaner so that it wraps around each of the bends on the bottom of your umbrella.
- Add a hook piece to the bottom for your handle.
- Glue the magnet to the top of the umbrella, on the back.
Sunny Days with Sun Pipe Cleaner Craft
There are a few (and usually very few) sunny days in April. These are when the flowers start to bloom and color starts to pop out of the ground.
We’ve make spring magnets for this weather too!
All we need for this sunshine is an orange pipe cleaner and a yellow pipe cleaners.

pipe cleaner sunshine
- Crimp your orange pipe cleaner into a zig zag shape. You may need to twist two pipe cleaners together, depending on how big your sun is.
- Twirl your yellow pipe cleaner into swirl.
- Place the yellow swirl into the center of your zig zag. Wrap the zig zag orange pipe cleaner into a circle and twist it together.
- Glue the magnet where you have twisted everything together. This will hide it.
I love my Sunshine crafts, perhaps you might want to do this one alongside my sun paper plate craft in the hope of brightness galore.
With sun and rain, you get flowers.
- Create flower petals out of a pipe cleaner.
- Glue a yellow pom pom into the center of the petals.
- Create a stem out of a green pipe cleaner and glue it to the bottom of the flower.
- Glue your magnet on the back, behind the center of the flower.
Fill the fridge or chalkboard with bright colors, and interactive home-made magnets.
I have made a pipe cleaner flower bouquet if you love this!
Print This Craft & Many More – Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go!”
We’ve made our site “to go”! No internet? No problem, we’ve got 100 crafts to go in a downloadable ebook!
Our best crafts, formatted for perfect one page printing or easy reading on a tablet.
Learn more & get your copy today! Crafty Critters: Crafts to Go
Now with these spring kids crafts you can decorate your fridge or chalkboard to match the weather outside.
Spring is always filled with rainy days, and kids are not fun when they are bored. Print out a bunch of these Spring Activities for Kids and have them on hand when boredom strikes.
Happy Crafting!
More Easy Spring Kids Crafts Like This One:
You can make a caterpillar using pom poms, a tiny chick which hatches from an egg carton and pimp your pencils and pens with some themed pencil toppers.
Do you like these Spring Magnet Crafts?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!