With Thanksgiving season coming up soon, it’s the perfect time to teach children to express gratefulness. Share what you are thankful for with this adorable thanksgiving printable for kids. It’s a great activity to do leading up to turkey day.
Simply print this and put it up on the fridge. At the end of each day have the kids fill in one thing they were grateful for that day.
Examples – I am grateful for…
- my wool socks on a chilly day
- rolling with daddy on the floor
- mom’s cheese sandwich
- my math teacher
- watching my favorite TV show with my sister
- seeing the leaves change color
Terms of Use:
All our printables are copyrighted materials, and for non-commercial use only (not to be sold!).
Feel free to print and distribute these to your kids, students, daycare, etc as long as all site information and logos are kept on the material.
What to do with this Thanksgiving printable
After all the blocks are filled in, have the kids decorate the white space.
Glue the printed paper to a piece of construction paper (color of your choice) and hang it up for the big dinner.
Have each little one present their grateful poster to the family – sharing all that they have been grateful for the last few weeks.
More Thanksgiving Printables Fun!
This is not where the fun ends! We have an awesome set of Thanksgiving printable bundles just for you.
Books about being thankful
Kids will learn a lot quicker through stories about others begin thankful. Here are a few favorite kids books about thankfulness.
ThankfulBeing Thankful (Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter)
Biscuit Is Thankful
Don’t Forget – Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids!
Of course, there is a ton of fun in crafting during the Thanksgiving season. We have a ton of adorable Thanksgiving crafts for kids to share.
Let’s create!

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!