Spring is almost sprung so it is time to get started with my adorable chick craft with cardboard! This is perfect for Easter too!
I adore cardboard crafts for kids because we have so much cardboard waste we may as well recycle it into something good!
Previously I transformed some cardboard into a cool medieval castle which both my kids and their friends loved, so if you have spare cardboard keep it and make something great!
Spring and Easter are all about chickens and their babies. I remember getting really excited growing up and waiting for the eggs to hatch and babies to appear.
This cardboard chick craft for kids will go along nicely with my Spring chick craft and of course my other adorable chick crafts for Easter!
Please remember to print off your template at the bottom of the page so that you can complete this craft.
This chick craft with cardboard for kids is perfect for those wet Spring days in the lead up to Easter! Download and print out the chick template for this craft with cardboard. You can find it at the end of the post. Cut the template out and trace onto cardboard and various textured materials. I always keep a picture of the completed craft beside me for guidance whilst doing this. Color the cardboard with oil pastels. Blend the oil pastels with your fingertip - kids absolutely love this bit. Finally glue the pieces together to complete your chick craft with cardboard. You will have Mr and Mrs Chick just in time for Easter! The colors used here are only for guidance. Obviously you can color the bow in the chick's hair whatever color you wish. The same goes for Mr Chick's bowtie.
Chick Craft with Cardboard
You can use this craft with cardboard for decoration or even gift it to one of your friends! My little girl loves collecting seasonal crafts and always has a display on her bedroom window.
Why not use it for pretend play and have a show with Mr and Mrs chick. You could even try and copy this template and make a baby to go along with them.
Recycled chick craft- Template
Do you like this Chick Craft With Cardboard?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!
Easter Chick Craft Ideas for Kids - Kids Art & Craft
Thursday 29th of June 2023
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