This Daisy flower for preschool kids helps them learn how to form the d letter craft! Suitable for ages 3 and upwards! Find out how to do my crafts with letter d below.
I love making learning fun as kids are more likely to retain the information you teach them. Both my kids seem to struggle with the letters B and D and are forever getting them mixed up.
As a result I decided to do some letter crafts focusing on these letters to help my kids remember what they look like.
This Daisy Letter D flower craft can be done in a short period of time. The good news is that it does not require very many materials.
Initially I did a capital D Daisy flower craft and then afterwards I did small d. I am hoping my children will never mix up b and d again!!!
You can follow my Daisy flower craft procedure below! You can do so much with this flower preschool craft. Why not ask your children to count the number of daisies on the letter D.
You can also ask them which one is the biggest. Another idea is to ask them could you fit a bigger or smaller number of daisies onto a small sized D. I always like my kids to think of mathematical language. Why not get the kids to count the number of white strips on each daisy also.
Older kids might be able to use daisies to form the letter D as opposed to Mum drawing it for them. This is just one of my daisy craft ideas.
This Daisy flower craft for preschool kids helps them learn how to form the letter D! Suitable for ages 3 and upwards Step 1 Mum or an adult should draw a 2D D shape Step 2 Little kids can color in the letter D green to represent grass the daisies grow in. Great for fine motor skills and an opportunity to help little kids to hold coloring pencils correctly. You can see this below. Step 3 Next cut around the letter D. Another great chance for practising scissor skills. Step 4 Preschool kids should then stick some yellow pom poms onto the letter D. This represents the floral disc or flower head of the daisy. Step 5 Next add the white petals of the daisy. I helped the kids cut small strips of white paper and then encouraged them to glue these around the yellow pom pom.
Daisy Flower Craft for Preschool - Let's Kids Learn Letter D
If you want some home-school printables and activities for your preschool children I have a great Honey Bee number printable which helps teach numbers 1-10.
If you love flowers why not do some of my easy flowers crafts with your children. I have something for all age ranges!
Why not encourage your kids to go outside and collect from daisies from the garden? They could thread these through some a letter D cardboard shape. This would further reinforce letter recognition as well as being great for fine motor skills.
Will you do this Daisy Flower Craft with your Preschool Kids?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!