With Christmas coming I am doing as many themed activities with my children as possible! One of our favorites is this cute paper Gingerbread House craft!
If you love this you will want to try out my Gingerbread House Craft with popsicle sticks
Right now I am in the middle of making another 3D Gingerbread home using a pringles container! It also looks epic.
I love paper crafts for kids and this one will be such a hit. You can easily display it around your house; I think you will agree it makes beautiful Christmas decor.
This is so easy to make using my template. You can decorate the house however you wish. You can use straws as candy canes and add sequins and red glitter for some sparkle.
I have an easy tutorial below on how to make a paper Gingerbread house.
This paper Gingerbread House craft is one of my favorite easy crafts for kids this Christmas. Cut out the house shape using the templates to get started. Step 2: Make creases on the house using the lines on the templates. Step 3: Cut out the pieces for the door and window. Step 4: First, glue the roof par on the top. Then join the door and window pieces together. Step 5: Now, glue the door on the bottom and the window on the top. Allow the glue to dry. Step 6: Apply glue on the small creased area. Step 7: Join the ends together to make the house. Step 8: Then cut out the roof. Step 9: Use colourful markers to draw wavy lines on the roof. Of course you can decorate the roof how you wish. Why not encourage your child to draw their own picture for the roof, or even some polka dots. Step 10: Glue the roof on top of the house. Step 11: Join the chimney's pieces together. Step 12: Finish it off by gluing the chimney on top of the roof.
Paper Gingerbread House Craft
Step 1:
Ask your kids why they could not live in a real gingerbread house? How much gingerbread would they need to make it?
Another idea is to ask them if the Gingerbread man lives here with his family.
Maybe they can put some small toys in this one or figures and pretend this is where they live.
If you love the Gingerbread theme please stop by my adorable Gingerbread man crafts for kids below
In order to create this 3D Paper Gingerbread House you will need my free template below:-
Gingerbread house craft template
Do you like this Paper Gingerbread House Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!