Nursery Rhyme activities such as My Little Miss Muffet craft are a great way to help kids learn a rhyme off by heart!
My son has just started school and he is learning lots of nursery rhymes. He is very good at learning them off by heart and picking out what words rhyme.
I do think the easy crafts they do in class reinforce the nursery rhyme. One of his favorites is Little Miss Muffet.
He asked so many questions about tuffets and got to taste curds and whey, which he was not a fan!
His class did some sequencing tasks and were able to sort 4 pictures into the correct order. One thing they did not do was my Little Miss Muffet and spider craft. Maybe I should have sent the link to his teacher 😉
Of course my easy spider crafts can be made for use when saying this nursery rhyme and also Incy Wincy Spider.
My step by step Nursery rhyme craft tutorial will help you recreate the Little Miss Muffet rhyme, complete with moving spider. The only difference being Little Miss Muffet is not real in this craft so she cannot run away from the spider. This is an easy paper plate craft for kids!
Nursery Rhyme activities such as My Little Miss Muffet craft are a great way to help kids learn a rhyme off by heart Cut out the pieces for the girl, tree, and spider using the PDF templates. Glue the hair on the back of the head. Then, glue the front hair on the top front of the head. Little Miss Muffet should look as below. Glue the two hands on two sides of the shoulder. Glue the dress on top of the body. Then glue the skirt and belt on the bottom of the dress Glue the shoes to the legs. Then, glue the shoes to the skirt. Draw the face using a marker pen. Will Little Miss Muffet look happy before the spider sits down beside her? Or will kids draw a worried expression because she is scared when a spider sits down beside her? Glue the tree’s leaves and trunk together. Cut out the backgrounds for the paper plate. Glue the backgrounds on the paper plate. Cut out the flowers from the template. Glue the flowers and the tree onto the grass. Also add Little Miss Muffet to her tuffet (mat). The mat is a rectangular piece of paper with red marker lines drawn to give it a chequered effect. Glue the spider’s legs to its body. Then, glue two googly eyes on the spider. Cut out a long cardstock paper strip. Glue the cardstock strip on the back of the spider. Make a slit at the top of the paper plate so that you can slot the spider inside. Then, place the spider inside the paper plate.
Little Miss Muffet Craft for Kids
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12:
Step 13:
Step 14:
Step 15:
Step 16:
Step 17:
Step 18:
Step 19:
My free Nursery rhyme printable template shown below will help you make this simple craft:-
Little Miss Muffet printable template
If you want some more spider crafts why not try my egg carton spider or my pipe cleaner spider
Will you try my Little Miss Muffet Craft?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!