My snail bookmark ideas is perfect for young readers who want to make a cute marker for keeping their space when they are reading a long book!
Here at Easy Crafts for Kids we are always looking for new diy bookmark ideas to keep kids interested in their reading. We have already made lots and lots of these but enjoy them so much we decided to make these snails.
Snails are everywhere if you look closely outdoors. My children love to watch them roll along the pavement and also curl back into their shell if something startles them!
If you want to make this pair of Snail bookmarks, my easy step by step craft directions with images will help.
My snail bookmark ideas DIY helps kids to make their own paper marker to keep their space when reading. Step 1: The template includes shell, body base, belly, blush and shell patterns (thin stripes). Trace and cut out the snail patterns from the selected craft papers. Step 2: Glue the belly cutout near the bottom-front side of the body base cutout. Step 5: Use a sharpie to draw the face of the paper snail figure. Glue the shell pattern with the body pattern, keeping the body to the front. Step 7: Step 8:
Snail Bookmark Ideas DIY
Select different colored craft papers for the snail pattern. You will also need to select a cardstock paper to make the bookmark base.
Step - 3:
Glue the shell patterns on the shell cutout, matching their narrow ends with the shell’s border curves as shown below.
Step - 4:
Glue the blush cutouts on the head part of the body base or, you can also use pink highlighter if the circles are too difficult to cut out. Cut off extra parts of the attached shell patterns to align them with the shell’s base.
Step 6:
Apply glue on the backside of the papercraft snail pattern but keep 1 cm part along the bottom side free from glue. Have the bookmark base (rectangle shaped paper) ready.
Attach the glued part of the papercraft snail on the bookmark base, on any one side. The 1 cm intact part along the bottom side of the snail can be used to slide a page under it (between the bookmark base and the snail pattern).
Will you make lots of these and give them to your classmates?
If you like my animal bookmark craft ideas then you may also be keen to make my easy bee bookmark or my cute reindeer bookmarks for Christmas
Please print my free Snail craft template to help you complete this:-
Do you like these Snail Bookmark Ideas DIY?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!