Summertime is fabulous for being outdoors and visiting the beach, but sometimes you need a break from the hot weather and my list of July crafts for kids lets you do just that! These easy Summer crafts include lots of Independence Day crafts too!
July is one of the busiest months for International events, and of course we have Independence Day! I love July 4th because it also happens to be my daughter’s Birthday!
Apart from Patriotic crafts for kids there are lots more things happening like International Tiger Day, Teddy Bear Picnic Day, National Day of the Cowboy and Cow Appreciation Day to name a few!
I have included lots of different easy crafts for kids featuring these themed days! I sure hope you get a chance to do most of them, if not in July sometime during Summer vacation!
Which of these July craft ideas is your favorite?
July Crafts for Kids 2024
These July crafts for kids 2024 will keep your kids entertained all month long! These are great for hot days when you want your kids to have a break from the sunshine!
Uncle Sam paper craft is perfect for kids aged 6 and above who want to make some pictures and decor for their house.
Maybe they might want to stick their craft onto a card and send someone a Happy July 4th card?!
Free template is provided along with step by step craft instructions.
This is one of the best paper July crafts for kids for American kids!
If you are having guests for dinner you should really make these red, white and blue napkin rings complete with stars and stripes for your table! These are easy to make with toilet paper rolls and craft papers.
This Patriotic cup craft for July 4th is a fun idea for kids! They can turn it the right way round and use it to hold their favorite drink and then turn it upside down and use it as a decoration!
July craft for toddler and preschool kids right here.
Toilet paper roll crafts like this one are very easy to make and look great!
You could use these red, white and blue binoculars all Summer long but they be ideal for the July 4th fireworks display!
Why not make a few pairs and give some to your friends.
Popsicle stick crafts are great and this flag craft is perfect for 4th July!
You could even mix up the sticks and use it as a jigsaw puzzle for kids to piece together! I did that with my sunshine popsicle stick craft and my 2 children loved it!
This could be used to entertain kids in the lead up to Independence Day.
This bald eagle craft for kids is perfect for July as this bird is the national symbol for USA!
These little guys are made from pom poms, craft foam and googly eyes, so chances are you already have all the materials you need.
If you read my website you will know I love this type of craft, especially my seashell wind chime so this is right up my street!
This red, white and blue wind chime requires 3 different tin cans of different sizes, just to make it a bit special!
Do you know International Tiger Day happens to fall in July?! I reckon this Toilet paper roll tiger is one of the best July crafts for kids this month!
Celebrate this special day by doing my craft and maybe reading some books about tigers!
July is the month where we celebrate cowboys so I thought this sheriff badge craft would be appropriate!
Little boys love playing dress up so why not get them to make their badge before doing so!
One of my favorite July crafts for kids is this horse head craft! This is dedicated to all the wannabe cowboys out there who want to pretend they are on horseback!
Of course I have suggested this to help you honor National Day of the Cowboy on the fourth Saturday of July.
July also has Teddy Bear picnic Day on July 10th so this is the perfect day to do some bear crafts!
My bear pencil topper is super cute and will be loved by both girls and boys!
My little wannabe Princess loves my Fairy wand craft in pink and purple, but this particular one is perfect for 4th of July!
These are several variations here to help you celebrate and you can make them jingle by adding a small bell!
This Patriotic wreath craft is so much fun and will add some much needed decor and color to your front door this July!! You can keep it up all year long if you wish!
The kids will love this and want to make one of their own! I am guessing the glitter tulle will be popular amongst girls!
I made my confetti launchers in neutral colors but this one is just perfect in Patriotic colors.
It is so simple and only requires a few materials including toilet paper rolls, colored craft paper, confetti, stickers and pipe cleaners!
Kids will love popping these and letting the confetti out. You could even use these for a Birthday party.
Whoever knew you could take some plain popsicle sticks and transform them into a lovely red, white and blue patriotic bracelet!
Little girls will love sticking on sequins and stars to these before proudly wearing them on their wrists.
Why not make one for all your friends while you are at it!
How about checking out some of my general Summer crafts for kids which are also great for the month of July
I have lots of great ideas which will keep you crafting all month long. Once you have finished the patriotic crafts you can try some of the things listed below.
Paper Windmills That Really Spin – one of my most popular ideas
20+ Ocean Crafts for Kids – fabulous selection of beach themed crafts for kids
Sunshine Paper Plate – handprint craft
20+ Easy Gardening Crafts for Kids – lots of ideas to get kids outdoors and crafting in the garden!
Do you like these July Crafts for Kids?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!