Bring theatre to your house with my fabulous easy puppet crafts for kids! These best puppet making ideas for 2023 mean you will be able to have a variety of shows in your own home!! Perfect for cold wet days or really hot weather when you want to be indoors!
I absolutely loved puppet shows when I was younger; the only thing was the variety of puppets was limited! It always seemed to be the same show over and over again!!
Just recently my kids watched a Christmas puppet show and they always loved it. It really got their imagination’s going! They keep asking me to do something similar at home!
The good news is that I have lots and lots of easy puppets for you to make including animals, Princesses and all sorts of characters!
They will encourage your kids with story telling and help improve their speech and language! Early communication is great for preschool as well as older kids! This helps prepare them for school.
Involve your little ones in making them and their fine motor skills and creativity will also improve! I hope you can find at least one puppet for kids here that you like
How do you make Puppets for Kids – Easy Puppet Making for Kids
These are easy puppets to make. All you need is some cardstock, popsicle sticks and or paper bags or paper plates! You can even use some of your cool toilet paper roll crafts.
You can make masks and use these as props for your puppet shows! I hope you enjoy mine.
Some of these can be made in less than 15 mins so they make a good activity if you are short of time but want to do something fun with your kids!
These easy puppet crafts will help you make paper puppets, ones with popsicle sticks and even masks to help you pretend play! Right now these are actually my favorite idea for puppet for kids! I show you how to turn paper bags into 4 different animals so that you can have your own animal show!! Learn how to make paper bag crab, frogs, tiger and bees! Celebrate Harry Potter Day on May 2nd or just a love of him in general with this cool Paper Bag Harry Potter Craft! Use it for storytelling or replaying your own favorite scenes from Harry Potter! I love making puppets from recycled materials and my paper bag astronaut craft is one of my favorites right now!! Take my free printable template, some construction paper, a paper bag and turn them into your very own story telling astronaut!! If you love the Peter Rabbit movies as much as I do, these Peter Rabbit and friends puppets will go down a massive treat with your kids. Why not have a Peter Rabbit themed afternoon, make these paper puppets, watch some episodes and even some radish soup!! If you love making puppets with your kids, this paper bag gnome will be right up your street. My how to make a gnome paper bag puppet craft provides a step-by-step guide with images to help you recreate your own gnome or gonk! All little girls want to be a Princess! I have lots of cute Princess crafts and one of my favorite is this Paper Bag Puppet for kids! Doesn't she look fab?! She is easy to make with my step by step instructions. You can always make a few different Princesses with different colored paper bags and different colored hair. This policeman craft for kids will help children make a puppet from a paper bag! Great for pretend play and teaching kids the importance of police officers. This DIY Firefighter Craft helps kids make their own Fireman Puppet from a paper bag and my free printable template and instructions This Encanto Mirabel Paper Bag Puppet will help kids make their own character from the popular movie. Free instructions and printable provided. Find out how to make Vampire Gnome Puppets in time for Halloween. Paper vampire craft with free printable template and instructions. Decorate your fingers with these cute Dinosaur puppets for kids using my free printable. My Thanksgiving paper bag puppet features this adorable turkey! Kids will just love making this friendly guy before using him to tell a story afterwards! He is definitely one of my easy puppet making ideas especially if you use my free printable template. Animal crafts are a big deal on my site and they make easy puppets for kids! This set of pigs actually represent a family, of Mummy, Daddy and Daughter. They come with a popsicle stick which makes it easy for kids to hold them and wave them about. If you want an animal themed puppet show how about these cute cat puppets. Of course you can make more than 3 and have an entire show of cats. This popsicle stick craft comes with free templates which make it easy to replicate them. This Scarecrow craft with popsicle stick is the best Autumn paper craft for kids! You might want to attach another popsicle stick on his back to make him easy to hold. This Patriotic Puppet for kid is such an easy craft that lets them make their own Uncle Sam! Perfect for puppetry on Independence Day! I love my Monster bookmarks, it is great because I have more than one for you to make! As well as being bookmarks these can also be used as small puppets! Why not do a Halloween show with these. They are very simple to make with markers, yarn, and googly eyes. Buzz for this bee easy puppet craft for kids, which is perfect for Spring! I made 3 different puppets for kids here including a Princess, Frog and Horse for the Princess to ride on. These would work well for their own show! Why do you not encourage your kids to come up with a story involving these 3 puppet crafts! Of course like before you could double up and make a few Princesses and a few horses. Here in the UK sheep are very popular with kids, and hence they love my easy sheep puppet craft! They would do great with a farm puppet show! Unicorns are one of my favorite things, and this bookmark craft actually doubles up as a puppet too! How cool is that!Easy Puppet Crafts
Do you like these Easy Puppet Crafts?

Hi there, I’m Laura an avid kids crafter with two little ones of my own to keep entertained! I have been doing kids crafts since 2018! Here at Easy Crafts for Kids you can find seasonal crafts for all age groups, as well as drawing tutorials, coloring pages and some other fun printables!
How to Make an Easy Paper Bag Bat Puppet for Halloween - Easy Crafts For Kids
Sunday 24th of September 2023
[…] lots of my other puppet crafts I have used paper bags and a free template to create these cute looking […]